A list of actions that a player would invoke via some input device. Uses FlxActions to funnel various inputs to a single action.


@:value({ scheme : None })new(name:String, scheme:KeyboardScheme = None)


read onlyACCEPT:Bool

read onlyBACK:Bool

read onlyCHEAT:Bool

read onlyDOWN:Bool

read onlyDOWN_P:Bool

read onlyDOWN_R:Bool

read onlyLEFT:Bool

read onlyLEFT_P:Bool

read onlyLEFT_R:Bool

read onlyNOTE_DOWN:Bool

read onlyNOTE_DOWN_P:Bool

read onlyNOTE_DOWN_R:Bool

read onlyNOTE_LEFT:Bool

read onlyNOTE_LEFT_P:Bool

read onlyNOTE_LEFT_R:Bool

read onlyNOTE_RIGHT:Bool

read onlyNOTE_RIGHT_P:Bool

read onlyNOTE_RIGHT_R:Bool

read onlyNOTE_UP:Bool

read onlyNOTE_UP_P:Bool

read onlyNOTE_UP_R:Bool

read onlyPAUSE:Bool

read onlyRESET:Bool

read onlyRIGHT:Bool

read onlyRIGHT_P:Bool

read onlyRIGHT_R:Bool

read onlyUP:Bool

read onlyUP_P:Bool

read onlyUP_R:Bool

@:value([])gamepadsAdded:Array<Int> = []

@:value(KeyboardScheme.None)keyboardScheme:KeyboardScheme = KeyboardScheme.None



addGamepad(id:Int, ?buttonMap:Map<Control, Array<FlxGamepadInputID>>):Void

bindButtons(control:Control, id:Int, buttons:Array<FlxGamepadInputID>):Void

Sets all actions that pertain to the binder to trigger when the supplied keys are used. If binder is a literal you can inline this

bindKeys(control:Control, keys:Array<FlxKey>):Void

Sets all actions that pertain to the binder to trigger when the supplied keys are used. If binder is a literal you can inline this


copyFrom(controls:Controls, ?device:Device):Void

inlinecopyTo(controls:Controls, ?device:Device):Void



getInputsFor(control:Control, device:Device, ?list:Array<Int>):Array<Int>


@:value({ deviceID : FlxInputDeviceID.ALL })removeGamepad(deviceID:Int = FlxInputDeviceID.ALL):Void

replaceBinding(control:Control, device:Device, ?toAdd:Int, ?toRemove:Int):Void

@:value({ reset : true })setKeyboardScheme(scheme:KeyboardScheme, reset:Bool = true):Void

unbindButtons(control:Control, gamepadID:Int, buttons:Array<FlxGamepadInputID>):Void

Sets all actions that pertain to the binder to trigger when the supplied keys are used. If binder is a literal you can inline this

unbindKeys(control:Control, keys:Array<FlxKey>):Void

Sets all actions that pertain to the binder to trigger when the supplied keys are used. If binder is a literal you can inline this